
Stojanow Prisoner

"We need to leave, now!”

Those words still haunt your dreams at night. When everyone was fleeing Phlan, you chose to stay. Whether out of an emotional attachment, or pursuit of riches, you made the decision that would affect the rest of your life.

Food became scarcer for those without connections. You became a beggar and to stay alive you bartered information to any interested party with food or gold to spare. You were good at what you did, and thought you were invincible. That changed when you were captured by the Tears of Virulence, the soldiers of Vorgansharax, the Maimed Virulence, for selling secrets to those bent on overthrowing the dragon. They locked you in the cells of Stojanow Gate. The first weeks you hoped to stay alive. As the weeks turned into months, and the interrogations continued, you began to pray for death.

Source: Curse of Strahd


Tools: You are proficient with one type of gaming set and Thieves’ tools

Skills: You are proficient in Deception and Persuasion.

Languages: None


  • - A small knife
  • - A set of common clothes
  • - A trinket from the life you stayed behind to defend
  • - A belt pouch containing 10gp

Background Features


The knowledge gained during your incarceration lets you gain insight into local guards and jailors. You know which will accept bribes, or look the other way for you. You can also seek shelter for yourself from authorities with other criminals in the area.


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